Adventures of Gwen
Thursday, October 6, 2011
I am enjoying this weather. Last year I was a completely different person than I am today! I've done a lot of growing in the past year. I have seen maturity. Others have also. Since I am getting older, I wonder how much more I will change with in the next few months. I do enjoy learning more about who I am, what I like and what I dislike. I also enjoy learning more about myself. My friends really do appreciate me, and that makes me happy. Last year I wasn't so sure. I have a different group of friends now, and they want me to be around them. That makes me happy. But recently I have been thinking about moving. Not to far away, but about 2 hours from where I live now. I feel like it will help me grow, and also I will be a lot closer to my school. It's just something that I have been thinking about for the last 6 months. I am getting more serious about it though. The only thing I am really worried about, is my relationship with my friends and my boyfriend. I mean I guess I shouldn't worry because, things work out the way they are going to work. But it still worries me a little. That's it for now I guess... Just venting.
Friday, September 2, 2011
So I firmly believe that between the ages of 18-26 these are the years you are suppose to experiment. No, I'm not talking about drugs. I am talking about other things. Things like traveling, and the way you dress, the way you talk to people, your personality. These are the years you discover who you really are. You don't really discover who you are until you are 25. At least that's what I have heard. I guess you could call it writing your own story. Between these ages you are suppose to go out in a crazy outfit and not care what people think. Or give someone you don't know a compliment. I run around in panda hats and dinosaur suits...yes people think I'm weird, but that doesn't phase me because I am having fun! You should care what people think. We aren't in high school anymore. Stop worrying about others, and start to discover yourself. (I don't know how long this blog is going to is a rant.) Most kids in high school aren't mature enough to get this concept of not caring. Don't care, because in 10 years you most likely won't know Sarah (the most popular girl in school) and you most likely won't be dating Jimmy (your current boyfriend). I learned this the hard way. I conformed to what others wanted me to be. And I am 22 now and it wasn't until I was about 20 that I started doing what I wanted to do, instead of what others wanted me to do. I make my own decisions and do my own things. I run around acting silly, and my friends are amazing. They like me for being my crazy self! I love them for doing the same. Don't get caught up in what you were in high school. Because 10 years from graduation when you go back to your reunion...people will be different. In the real world it doesn't matter how popular or unpopular you were, trust me it doesn't. Just discover in these years who you are now (without the high school "glam") and who you want to be. That's what's important. Just remember These Are The Years. Don't waste them, make 'em count!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
New Style
Sunday, August 28, 2011

So today I have decided to blog about thrift stores! I go thrifting at least once a week, and I find a lot of bizarre, and amazing things. I mostly buy clothes, but I have bought several other things before. There are so many thrift stores in Atlanta, but you have to go to the right ones. Also there are several tips you must remember while thrifting in order to find a good, sensational piece. Also, Thrifting doesn't mean just going to thrift stores. Yard sales are also sometimes a good source of savvy shopping. Even going to consign
ment shops aren't so bad, if you are looking for more name brand things. Just be prepared to spend time going through racks and racks of clothes to find a treasure :)(Warning you, I buy a lot of thrift store clothes I will mostly put pictures of those up here :))
#10: I found a really really really cool vintage couch from the 60's. If I remember correctly it cost me about $35 from Last Chance Thrift Store. It was in my living room at my old apartment, but it is now in storage. But when I get my new place, I will most likely have it either in my bed room or in my living room once again. (I have pictures of it, but none of them are that good.)

#9: Among the many clothes I buy, I love buying button up and down shirts. One day I was looking through clothing and I found this amazing navy and white stripped shirt, with silve
r buttons. I posted a picture to the left. This shirt cost me around $2 at Last Chance Thrift Store.
#8: The next item on my list is a vintage 1960's louis vuitton bag. Unfortunately it is in storage, so I don't have a picture of it. But when I looked up how much vintage vuitto
n was going for online, I was pleased to know that I got a $2,000
bag for a mere $20 at goodwill!
#7: One day I decided to go to a few thrift stores that I wasn't use to. I went to

a Liz Claiborne from most likely the late 90's. It is valued between $50-$60, but I got it for $4 dollars. I was so happy! I love this dress!
#6: I go to antique shops a lot as well as thrift stores. One day I was just browsing around a shop that I had never really been in before, and I found these gold earrings. I thought they were really cool looking. I asked the lady what year they were and she said late 70's early 80's. They were priced at like $25, but she gave them to me for $6 dollars. The place I got them at is called Decatur Estate.

#5: There is this place in Atlanta that I really enjoy going to. Sometimes you can find some good deals. It is called little 5 points. Well in little 5 there is a store called Rag-O-Rama that I enjoy going to because they have a lot of
vintage, name brand and just odd pieces. That is where I found a really cool RED vintage sweater shirt. The brand is called Keneth Too. And it is most likely from the 80's, but it can be dressed up or down. It goes with pretty much any style I choose. I had it's original tags on it and everything. The original price was like $25. I got it for $8. So I was pleased.
#4: So the next item that I chose was a pair of shoes (shown at the top). I do enjoy
wearing them, they are pretty run of the mill shoes except they have a sort of pizzazz to them. I found these on one of Last Chance's HALF OFF MONDAY. I go a lot on
Mondays because EVERYTHING IS HALF OFF! And if you go early enough and beat the crowds, you can find some really good stuff. I got these shoes for $1.50. They are a pretty awesome brand too.
#3: My number three surprised even me. I was shopping at a Goodwill just the other day and I found this amazing pair of white jeans. They are Levi Strauss. They still had the price tag
on them. The price was $150. I got them for $8. I was smiling out the door of the store.
#2: My number 2 was found at Rag-O-Rama as well. (I know the picture is small and I am sorry for that). At first I was just trying this dress on as a joke. But then when I actually put it on,

it looked surprisingly cute on me. I had to have it. It had tulips all over it and I thought if I paired it with some cute sandals or cowboy boots and a belt then it would be perfect. And it is. It is also vintage-ish, from the late 80's. I got it for $10. It was pretty much worth it.
#1: My number one is also vintage. I got it from this place in little 5 points

called Stefan's. This is probably the only piece I have ever bought from there. It is from the late 1960's. I researched stuff like this, and the original price of this piece was most likely around $40 or $50. But it is valued now at about $70. But I got it for a steal. The lady gave it to me for $21. I was so happy when I got this. I put it on right away.
Alright well I hope you enjoyed looking at my treasures :) I enjoyed going through my closet and looking for this stuff. I try not to over stuff my closet with clothes and when ever I bring a bunch of clothes in I usually get rid of a bunch of stuff. I will try and resell some of my stuff, but I usually just either give them away or donate them. If anyone actually reads this blog and wants to know my top 5 favorite thrift stores, or tips on thriftiness just comment on this blog :) or if there is anything else you would like me to blog about, feel free to ask :) Thank you!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Life Lessons
I've really learned a lot of things the past year. Today is my 22nd birthday. I looked back on many things. I have come a long way since I was 18. I have moved forward, slid back and moved forward again. I haven't really had anything to important to blog about until now. I should be sleeping, but I can't. Too many things running through my mind. Things like, 'I can't believe I am 22...' and 'where do I go from here?'. In the 22 years I have been on this earth I have gone through more than people twice my age have. So why haven't I been helping others more. People who are going through things I have been through. I need to start getting passionate about this world. I don't know if any of you have noticed, but this world is falling in to a hole. People are going crazy, economy is sinking everywhere, more violence each and everyday. I want to make the fall easier on people. I want people to know that they have someone to fall into, or on. And no I am not only talking about me as a person. I am talking about FAITH. I am talking about God. It has been hard, my spiritual feet are callused very much from the paths I have chosen. The hard road I have chosen to walk. I think it is time for my voice to be heard. I have shyed away from people long enough. People need to know my story, where I have been and where I am going. People I am going to go far. I know you hear a lot of girls and boys say that, but I am different. I am GOING to make a difference. I just need direction, someway to go. I think I know where to start. It's just getting the courage to do that, that's the problem. If any one is reading this, and thinks they can help me...I am listening. Advice from others is a good thing.
I have been told several times, that I open peoples eyes to look at things in a different perspective. I like putting myself in others shoes. Call me crazy, but I am passionate about people. I can feel their pain JUST by looking in their eyes. I know that is a hard concept to grasp, but I can. I can feel it. Maybe it is because I can relate to what a lot of people go through. Or because I have such a big heart, God knows I can take their pain. Whatever it is, I don't mind it at all. I put myself in their position, and a lot of times when I give advice I wish someone had given me the same. Sometimes it is hard to gulp things down, because I have had to go in things alone almost my whole life. (This isn't a pity entry by the way.) I am glad for the things I have been through, otherwise I couldn't help people the way I do. I am currently learning how to be more patient. That is something I have always struggled with. I am guessing God has a few things I need to fix and do before I can move on to the next BIG chapter in my life, but there are several small poems I can do in the meantime. I am sure if you are reading this, it all looks like gibberish to you. But I am basically just saying what is on my mind. It really is my turn to speak, I just hope everyone listens and hears my strong heart.
That is all for now
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Of course I am the first one awake. Like always. Today should be interesting. Kenneth keeps telling me I will remember this Christmas forever. I am running a fever which kinda sucks because I don't feel good. After this blog I am going to make myself some coffee and wait until 9 to wake people up. Is that childish of me? Waking people up, I mean they told me to wake them up at 9. Kenneth stayed up all night working on one of my gifts. You gotta love that boy. He has been trying to make everyones Christmas amazing this year. I am going to make his amazing! I am really tired, I really didn't get much sleep last night... So after we open gifts I will take a shower and go take a nap before our next destination. Well that is about all for now!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Sorry I kept you waiting
I quit masters. I am not a quitter but I quit. But since masters a lot has happened! Kenneth and I went through a ton of drama together, but we are back together and going strong! I am excited to be spending Christmas with him this year! I truly think this is how life was suppose to be all along. Kenneth and I really never had a reason to break up in the first place. But everyone goes through stuff like that right. Anyway each day I get more tired and more tired. I get more sick and more sick. But I know I need to keep my head up if I am going to get through this!
Masters wasn't that hard. The only hard part was not being able to talk to guys. Most of my best friends are guys. Which brings me to my next subject. I need more gal friends! I just want some girls that I can talk to. I know one day when I get married my husband is not going to want me to have a bunch of guy friends....
Anyway I think I am going to go lay down. I am feeling ill.
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